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Download HERE the Declaration of Authorship Form in PDF format Al-Qanṭara

​​magazineit is dedicated to the civilization of classical Islam (up to and including the 17th century) with special attention to the Islamic West. Two annual issues are published with different sections: research articles, varieties, monographic section (in the second issue of each year) and reviews. Contributions will only be commissioned for the monographic sections and reviews. The journal appears in open access on the Internet at the same time as in print. The maximum length will be 12,900 words for articles, 3,000 words for varieties, and 1,500 words for reviews. The works presented must be original and unpublished, they cannot have been approved or be submitted to a report for publication in another journal.

All the originals, including those that have been requested, will be reviewed according to the "peer" system by at least two evaluators external to the publishing entity, whose suggestions will be sent to the authors so that, if necessary, they make the pertinent modifications. The evaluation method used is "double blind", maintaining the anonymity of both the author and the evaluators. Every three years, a list of the experts who have participated in the evaluation of the articles received will be published on the journal's website. The Editorial Board will analyze all the contributions and, taking into account external evaluations, will decide their approval or rejection as well as the volume in which they will be published. The Directorate of the Journal may reject an article, without the need to evaluate it, if you consider that it does not conform to the rules or does not fit the content profile of the publication. The author will be informed about the acceptance or rejection of his contribution within a maximum period of six months.

The languages ​​of the magazine are Spanish and English, although French is admitted. For the transcription of Arabic in texts in Spanish, the following symbols will be used:


short vowels

































long vowels



































Tanwīn vowels (ــٌ / ــًا /ــٍ) un , an , in





Tā' marbūṭa (ـة / ة) –a / –at ( iḍāfah )





Alif maqṣūra (ــَى) à





Alif mamdūda (ـَا) ā




Diphthongs aw (ـَـو) / ay (ــَي)


* The alif in initial position is not transcribed: umma, aǧnās .
* The definite article is transcribed with /l/ [( a- ) l / l- ] even in solar consonants: al-šams, al-qamar, wa-l-bayt, bi-l-ḍabṭ, li-l- kātib, fī l-aṣl .
* Suffixed pronouns will not be preceded by a hyphen: anfusuhum , ʿilmihim , naḥwahum .
* The phonological transcription may be used in articles that deal with linguistic matters, especially those with dialectological content.

Dates from the Hegira, from the Gregorian calendar or preferably both at the same time may be used (in this case separated by a slash, without h. or AD), but the dating system may not be alternated in the same article.

Shipping of originals. It will be done by email addressed to:

The following elements will be included in the submission, in separate files:

1. Author details:title of the article, name and surnames, postal address, telephone, email, academic situation, name of the institution to which it belongs and date of submission of the work. Signature: Spanish authors will have to choose between signing with a single last name (recommended option) or, if they want to sign with both, include a hyphen between them.
The authors must indicate their ORCID code together with the affiliation data. Those who do not have this personal identifier can register for free at to complete this information. In an article signed by several authors, the ORCID of each and every one of them must appear.

2. Text:in Word format, respecting the following parameters: Times New Roman font, 12 points (10 in the footnotes, numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals), double line spacing (in text and in notes) and 3 cm of lateral margins. The first page must include the title, abstract and keywords, all translated into English (or Spanish, if the article is in English). The extension of the abstract will be between 150 and 250 words and must describe the objective of the research, the methodology used, the most outstanding results and the main conclusions.

3. Illustrations:They will be identified with Arabic numerals and their location must be indicated in the text, but they will not be included in it. Each image must be sent in a separate file, in TIFF or JPEG format, with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi. Graphics and drawings will be presented in vector files. Every illustration must have a photo caption, and each table an identifying title. The authors are responsible for obtaining the appropriate permissions to reproduce material (text, tables or figures) from other publications or from another source (libraries, archives...) and for correctly citing said source.

4. Declaration of Authorship Form : completed and signed by all those who appear as authors of the text.

References and bibliographic citations

1. Bibliographic references

They will be collected at the end of the article in a list ordered alphabetically by author's surname; the surnames and names of the authors (except the first letter) must be in lowercase (capital letters or small caps may not be used). If several works by the same author are cited, hyphens cannot be used to replace the name, but the author's name must be repeated as many times as works by him are cited. Up to 4 author names will be accepted in the same work, if there are more, the first one will be followed by et al .

References to primary sources (archive material, newspapers and similar) will not be included in the bibliographic list, these references will be presented in a separate list under the corresponding heading: Sources, Archive material...

The style of the references in this list will be as follows:

Monographs : author (surname, full name), title (in italics), edition (2nd ed.), city, publisher, year, volume, series or collection. Example:

Marín, Manuela, Puente, Cristina de la, Rodríguez Mediano, Fernando and Pérez Alcalde, Juan Ignacio, The letters of Julián Ribera Tarragó and Miguel Asín Palacios: introduction, catalog and indices , Madrid, CSIC, 2009, Arab and Islamic Studies: monographs , 16.

Editions and translations : author (surname, full name), title (in italics), full name (ed./trad.), edition (2nd ed.), city, publisher, year, volume or volume, series or collection. Example:

Al-Turtusi, Abu Bakr, Kit b al- haw di wa-l-bida The book of novelties and innovations , Maribel Fierro (trans. and study), Madrid, CSIC-ICMA, 1993, Arabic-Hispanic fonts, 14.

Contributions in proceedings, tributes or collective volumes : author (surname, full name), title of the article or chapter (in high quotation marks), "en" followed by surnames, full name of the person responsible for the work (ed., coord.), title (in italics), edition (2nd ed.), city, publisher, year, volume or volume, series or collection, pp. (first and last page of the chapter). Example:

García-Arenal, Mercedes, "The environment of the Plomos: historiography and lineage", in Manuel Barrios Aguilera and Mercedes García-Arenal (ed.), The invented history?: the lead books and the sacromontano legacy , Granada, University of Grenada, 2008, p. 51-78.

Journal articles : author (last name, full name), article title (in high quotation marks), journal name (in italics), volume number (no vol.), issue (no comma), year (in parentheses) ), p. (first and last page of the article). Example:

García-Arenal, Mercedes and Rodríguez Mediano, Fernando, "The books of the Moriscos and Eastern scholars", Al-Qan ara , 31, 2 (2010), pp. 611-646.

Documents available on the Internet : they are referenced following the corresponding document style by adding [online] at the end, available at: URL, [accessed on dd/mm/yyyy]. If the document has a DOI, it will be indicated instead of the URL and without the date of consultation.

Example with URL:

Calvo Capilla, Susana, “The first mosques of al-Andalus through Arab sources (92/711-170/785)”, Al-Qantara , 28, 1 (2007), pp. 143-179, [online], available at:, [accessed 02/05/2013 ].

Example with DOI:

Barceló, Carmen, “Laments for the loss of al-Andalus in two zéjeles of Cútar”, Al-Qan tara , 33, 1 (2012), pp. 169-199, [online], doi: 10.3989/alqantara.2011.002.

2. Bibliographic citations

They will be included in a footnote, indicating only the author's surnames (in lower case), abbreviated title, volume and/or volume (t./vol.) and page where the citation comes from (p./pp.) . The use of ibidem , idem , and op is not supported. cit. in no case. Example:

García-Arenal and Rodríguez Mediano, "The books of the Moriscos", p. 620.


The author will receive the print proofs by e-mail, and will have a period of 15 days to correct them, which must be limited to correcting possible errors and minor rectifications; Significant variations or additions to the text will not be accepted.

Research Data Deposit Policy

We recommend depositing the data obtained from the research developed for the preparation of the article in repositories of recognized prestige, specific to the discipline or of a general type. In any case, it should be a FAIR repository (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable), preferably open access.

There are various repositories intended to conserve and disseminate specific data such as the results of surveys, observations, interviews, simulations, automatically collected data, samples, models... If necessary, you can consult the re3data Research Data Repository Register , taking into account Each repository has its own repository rules.

CSIC staff may deposit their research data in DIGITAL.CSIC by following these instructions and may make use of the Delegated File Service made available by the DIGITAL.CSIC Technical Office and the CSIC Library Network.

DIGITAL.CSIC generates DOIs for datasets and associated software and is certified as a data repository in re3data and Repository Finder . For more information, consult the Data Policy at Digital.CSIC .

If research data has been deposited in a repository, it should be mentioned in the article, providing a brief description of the type of data deposited, the name and URL of the repository, the identifier code and the data of the use and distribution license. This information should appear at the end of the article, immediately before the bibliographic list, under the heading “Availability of deposited data”.

Download HERE the Guide to Good Practices in PDF format
Download HERE the Declaration of Authorship Form in PDF format

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The Higher Council for Scientific Research (CSIC) has a record of data processing activities. The data collected through this form will be incorporated and processed in the processing activity "Management of production and distribution activities of CSIC publications" of Editorial CSIC, in order to manage the requested service. It is the responsibility of Editorial CSIC, located at Calle Vitruvio, 8, 28006 Madrid, and with an email address publ@csic.esbefore which, the affected persons may exercise their rights. The treatment of the data is legitimized by the consent of the affected party. The data may not be transferred to third parties except in the cases provided for in current regulations on the protection of personal data. You have the right to file a claim with the Spanish Data Protection Agency. You have the right to withdraw your consent. In the event that you so wish – or want to exercise your rights of access, deletion, rectification, limitation or portability – you can do so through the following form . You can also contact the CSIC's data protection delegate by email: