Al-Qantara is an international peer-reviewed journal published periodically. Al-Qantara seeks a reassessment of all the human and social sciences. The need for interdisciplinary approaches as a key to reinvigorating and integrating both teaching and learning is increasingly recognized in the academy. It is becoming increasingly clear that research is interdisciplinary. Our Journal is interested to promote interdisciplinary research in the world, to promote the exchange of idea, and to bring together researchers and academics from all the countries.

ISSN :1988-2955,0211-3589

Subject Area Position

Al-Qanṭara is a scientific journal published by CSIC and edited by the Instituto de Lenguas y Culturas del Mediterráneo y Oriente Próximo at CCHS. It is devoted to the study of classical Islamic civilization up to the 17th century, with special emphasis on Western Islam. A monographic section it is included in the second issue. The Journal asks contributions only for the Monographic section.

Founded in 1933 under the title of Al-Andalus adopts its current name in 1980. It began to be available online in 2007, in PDF format, maintaining printed edition until 2021. That year it became an electronic journal publishing in PDF, HTML and XML-JATS. Contents of previous issues are also available in PDF files.

Al-Qanṭara is indexed in Web of ScienceArts & Humanities Citation Index (A&HCI) and Current Contents - Arts & Humanities; SCOPUSCWTS Leiden Ranking (Journal indicators), ERIH PlusREDIBDOAJ and other national and international databases. It is indexed in Latindex Catalogue 2.0 and has obtained the FECYT Seal of Quality.

Journal Citation Indicator (JCI) 2022: 0.22
Rank by JCI: 253/334 (Q4, Religion)
Rank by JCI: 365/500 (Q3, History)
Source: Clarivate Analytics©, Journal Citation Reports®

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