Peace and Justice in Urdu and Punjabi Poetry

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Dr. Rabia Sarfraz
Dr. Rubina Yasmeen
Dr. Abdul Aziz Malik
Maryam Akram Khan
Dr. Asma Ghulam Rasool (Corresponding Author)


Peace is a satisfaction, so much peace, comfort, live together and the well-being of others. Assalam alekum does not just mean that Salam is upon you but it also means that you are safe from my side. In practice, this training is given to a Muslim That he should give the message of peace and security in the Society. Stay away from terror and violence be so fair and refrain from oppression. That is why in Islam the murder of one human being is considered the murder of entire humanity. Allah says that whoever hurts people has hurt Allah. The person who does not have mercy on people, Allah does not have mercy on him.

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How to Cite
Dr. Rabia Sarfraz, Dr. Rubina Yasmeen, Dr. Abdul Aziz Malik, Maryam Akram Khan, & Dr. Asma Ghulam Rasool (Corresponding Author). (2024). Peace and Justice in Urdu and Punjabi Poetry. Al-Qanṭara. Retrieved from

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